miracles never cease
von Monte Leach
In a hot and crowded upstairs bedroom in an average-looking house in an
average-looking community one hour east of Los Angeles, miracles are taking
place. Every Sunday at 5:30 pm, when the gathered crowd says the rosary
prayer, oil (or sometimes blood) begins to flow from statues of the Virgin
Mary that are kept on an altar in the room.
The altar is filled with dozens of statues of Mary, Jesus and Joseph.
The walls of the room are literally covered with pictures of the three
venerated figures. Youve heard of crosses of light? What about crosses
of shadow? At least two of them have appeared on the walls of the bedroom.
But theres no light source creating the shadows. They seem almost
like stains, but are too perfectly-shaped. Theres even an image
of the Virgin on the windowscreen. On this particular Sunday afternoon,
the room is crammed with people, mostly women, mostly Hispanic and Arabic.
Nasreen (whose house this is, whose miracles these are) is Kuwaiti. The
reciting of the rosary prayer takes on an almost Tower of Babel quality
as Spanish, Arabic, English and later French can be heard in the cacophony
of voices praying together faithfully. Devotional songs are sung in various
tongues. The largest statue of Mary on the center of the altar looks as
if its weeping, as a bead of oil reflects light from below the right
When the praying ends, a crush of people converge on the altar to see
the new oil on the Virgin Mary statues and to receive from Nasreen a cotton
ball soaked with the sacred liquid (its actuallypure olive oil,
Im told). The cotton ball is to be placed in a jar of commercial
100 per cent Extra Virgin olive oil, and the liquid used for
healing purposes.
I hear a womans voice say, You can see the new oil on Josephs
chin and on the cross. Upon closer inspection, a statue of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph can be seen with an oily substance on its surface.
As one crowd leaves the room, another lines up outside the door and down
the stairs to see the statue and to receive the blessed oil. Nasreen patiently
presses out the oil from a plastic squeeze bottle labeled Holy Water
and gives each person a cotton ball soaked with it.
The oil had presumably been collected from the statue on previous occasions.
As the crowd thins out, Nasreen finally takes a breather. She opens a
photo album filled with pictures of the miracles: the statue crying tears
of blood;
the head of the statue facing at different angles (it once bowed
its head in front of a crowd of 150 people, she says, to thank the
people for coming with faith in their hearts); a dramatic image
of Jesus superimposed on a photo of her garden; and so on. I leave the
house convinced, but under-informed. I call Nasreen a couple of weeks
later to fill in some details. Before I even get to my first question,
she begins:
NJ: Last Sunday, the Virgin Mary cried blood, a lot of blood. She cried
from Sunday to Wednesday.
SI: Did she tell you why?
NJ: Yes. She was crying blood because of the war. She said, I want
everybody to pray the rosary at 3 pm everyday.
SI: Did she say anything else about the war in the Middle East?
NJ: She said to pray. With your prayer, she said, you
can stop even more than this war. She said people are not praying
SI: Lets start from the beginning. How did all of this begin?
NJ: The first time it happened was on 26 October 1988 at 9:30 pm. I took
my nephew into my parents bedroom to let him sleep. We smelled oil.
A strong oil smell. My nephew couldnt sleep. He was crying. I said,Whats
this smell? It is very strong.
My sister came to pick up her son. I asked her, Has anyone been
eating french fries in here? She said, No, were doing
dessert. Were not doing anything with oil. I said, It
smells of oil.She said, No. As we left, the smell disappeared.
When I came back, the oil smell returned. In the bedroom there is a picture
of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus.
When I looked at the picture and held it, oil began leaking from the picture.
Immediately we called the priest at the local church. We told him we had
something strange happening. He came right away. He checked the picture,
and said, Dont be worried. Dont faint. This is a blessing
from the Virgin Mary. I dont want anyone to be scared. This is something
very good.
SI: What happened then?
NJ: After that, my mother took the oil and blessed all of the pictures
and statues in the house. Then all the pictures and statues began producing
oil too. We called the priest again and told him we had all the pictures
making oil. He said, If you still have this in 15 days, call me
back. It means youll have a message from the Virgin Mary. If the
oil doesnt stop, it means youre going to have a message for
one of the family. I dont know for which one of you, but one of
you is going to receive a message from the Virgin Mary.
SI: Did that happen after 15 days?
NJ: Yes. After 15 days I received a message from the Virgin Mary when
she appeared the first time. My mother and I were sitting in the living
room with a couple of friends, praying. I saw a lady coming from the garden
outside. She was wearing all white and blue. I said, Look, look
that lady!
She was passing through the window like a shadow, a ghost. She was very
clear. You could see the Virgin Mary. I was crying, and said, Virgin
Mary is here! Virgin Mary is here! We got on our knees. My mother
said, Dont be afraid. Pray and ask her. Then I prayed
and asked her.
Her first words were, Peace be with you. I said Our
Father and Hail Mary. Then she said, One of your
family promised me they would put two statues in front of the house. That
member of your family has a problem. Tell the person to put out the statues,
and the problem will be solved.
SI: Did you know who that was?
NJ: No. After that she left. I asked my mother and father. I called my
brothers, my sister. Then I called my younger brother, Hani. I asked,
Did you promise the Virgin Mary to put two statues out, for her
and her son? He hung up the phone on me. Two minutes later, he was
at my house. He said, How did you know? Nobody knows this. This
is something between me and God. I said, the The Virgin Mary
told me. Thats how it started.
SI: When you saw the Virgin Mary in the living room, did your family see
her too?
NJ: No. Nobody can see her except me.
SI: How did the people start coming to your house?
NJ: By word of mouth. One tells another. We have a small group, and they
tell others. People ask, Why doesnt the media come visit you?
Its not that I havent told them, but my priest said we dont
want lots of people to know. Because I have stigmata. Thats why.
SI: He was afraid people wouldnt understand?
NJ: No, he said if people started coming more and more, they would take
me away from home. He said, If you are going to talk to the television,
dont talk too much One of the priests has a program on a local
cable access channel. He was here and saw everything and put it on television.
SI: Does the Vatican know about any of this?
NJ: Actually, my priest from back home is in the Vatican now. He stayed
with me here for three days, and took all the messages to the Vatican.
SI: To show the people there?
NJ: Yes. To the Pope and everybody. My priest told me. They didnt
deny it. But they also didnt say OK right away. He said,With
you, they didnt deny it because you have lots of messages similar
to the people in Medjugorje.
SI: Did they say they would investigate it?
NJ: Yes. They have to do that. It takes time. It takes more than 10 years
to prove it.
SI: As I understand, the priest brought some of the oil to the Vatican
and they had it checked out.
NJ: Yes. There is another lady who the Virgin Mary appears to. Her name
is Myrna, and she is from Damascus, Syria. The Virgin Mary has appeared
to her from 1982 until the present. My picture where the oil first appeared
was given to me by that lady. They tested her oil. It was 100 per cent
olive oil, the same as on my pictures. And they said there was something
about the oil you cant find it on the earth.
SI: Do you understand what that means?
NJ: No.
SI: When I was at your home, you said that they found it was old oil.
NJ: Very old.
SI: One month, 100 years?
NJ: Over 500 years old.
SI: Why is the oil being produced?
NJ: I asked Virgin Mary, and she said, The oil is for healing people.
If they believe, and have faith, they will be healed. We have had lots
of miracles. Lots of people have been healed. We have the papers to prove
it. We had a baby born with cancer, and the cancer disappeared. One lady
who wasnt pregnant for 20 years became pregnant. Lots of miracles.
SI: In the beginning, did you receive messages regularly?
NJ: It varied. Sometimes every two weeks. Sometimes every day. In the
beginning, we werent writing anything down. Then my priest told
me to write everything down.
SI: What were the messages about?
NJ: She wants everybody to pray the rosary. She doesnt want anyone
to say, Im Catholic, Im Orthodox, Im Protestant. No.
They are all Christians. There is one Jesus, one God. She said, I
want one church. All of them united into one church. Most of the
messages are for the church, the priests.
She said they are changing lots of things, and to pray for the priests
and nuns. She also said, actually this is one of the messages from Jesus,
Build the church. I didnt understand what that meant
until my priest said, This is not for the people. It is for the
priests. To build themselves again, that they are moving away from
God. They are changing a lot of the rules of the church.
SI: Has she told you why she is doing this now?
NJ: She says people have time now to go back to God. There will come a
time that theyll have only five minutes to go back to God and they
wont be able to do it. Now they have a chance.
SI: Shes reminding people to go back to God.
NJ: Yes. Thats why shes appearing. Shes going to visit
a lot of houses, because she says people go to church but they dont
go to pray. She says there are lots of people in their houses that have
more faith than the people who go to church. Thats why shes
appearing to people in houses.
SI: Is she still giving you messages?
NJ: No.
SI: Do you still see her?
NJ: Yes, in my dreams. I asked her, How am I going to pray for the
people? She said, Whatever you want, Ill hear you. Ill
be in your dreams.
SI: Why have you specifically been selected to do this?
NJ: The Virgin Mary told me, You are chosen. Thats all
she said.
aus: Share International April 1991
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