Three-headed Goddess and the miracle wells
Brian James
ancient wells and a prehistoric bronze statue of a three-headed goddess
are drawing hundreds of pilgrims in search of miracles to a tiny village
on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent, UK. People from as far away as Australia
and Mexico are being drawn to the village of Minster, according to an
article by Peter Birkett in the Daily Express.
Until five years ago, Minster was an unremarkable village containing two
Chinese take-aways, a video hire shop and a working men's club. That was
until Brian Slade, a local amateur archaeologist, asked and was granted
permission to open and excavate one of the two wells situated at Minster
Abbey, a nunnery founded in 640 AD by the Saxon saint Sexburga, the widowed
Queen of Kent.
The two wells date back about 3,500 years. The one beside the surviving
abbey gatehouse is 40 feet deep, while the second lies in the old Abbess's
garden. During the excavation in 1991, many artifacts were uncovered,
including Roman tiles and pieces of Bronze Age pottery. Then came the
discovery of the three-headed goddess - and with it the start of the 'miracles'.
The statue was almost the last thing unearthed by one of the team of excavators,
Ian White, who found it beneath centuries of silt at the bottom of the
deep well. It was nine months later that he decided it must contain a
mysterious, miraculous power - for that was the time that his wife gave
birth to a healthy baby girl. For years, he and his wife Sharon had tried
to start a family, only to have the attempts end in miscarriage.
They had even visited a number of medical specialists, without success.
The Whites firmly believe that the Triple Goddess, the name they gave
to the prehistoric fertility icon, was responsible for the birth of their
new-born baby.
When Dr Ian Godsland, a medical research scientist at Imperial College,
heard about the Whites' baby, he decided to send £50 towards the
excavation of the well. His wife had also endured four miscarriages and
was pregnant yet again. Six months later she gave birth to a healthy son.
Ian White told the Daily Express: "Of course I can't say it was the
goddess for certain. No one can. But we both like to believe it."
Dr Godsland, who lives near Leighton Buzzard, said: "I really believe
that the goddess may have played a part. Don't ask me how it happened
or for any explanations. I just believe now that the world can work in
a different way to the one we scientists think we understand."
The Triple Goddess is being kept in the Minster home of Brian Slade. He
says he has heard of three similar accounts of women successfully having
babies despite a history of miscarriage. "There is little doubt of
a life force here," he told the newspaper. "It is ancient, pre-Christian,
but I believe it is a force for good."
Meanwhile the gatehouse well has been resealed, although the Abbess's
well, which is fed by the same source of water, remains open. The garden
in which it lies is owned by Mr Leon Stanford.
He reports that hundreds of people have come to his house asking to drink
the water, some hoping to start having families, others to cure serious
illnesses, including cancer and blindness. A number of visitors have filled
25-litre water containers to take back to Germany.
Visitors are not charged for either the water or for touching the statue.
The only restriction is that people are advised not to throw offerings
into the well. Mr Stanford has the water regularly tested for its purity
as he and his family drink it in the house.
He is convinced of its healing powers, for when he came to the village
two years ago he was partly crippled by a painful and long-term condition
in the heel of his foot. He could only move about with the aid of a walking
stick. Just several months of drinking the water and the condition healed.
Tests last year by Swale Borough Council found the water to be completely
pure, with no traces of sewage or chlorine. It was also found to contain
a number of valuable trace elements such as potassium and magnesium.
The Abbess's well is now listed as a Grade One historical site by English
Heritage and the owners, Swale District Council, are thinking of opening
it to the general public. Meanwhile the mysterious healing powers of the
wells and the Triple Goddess continue to draw the lame, the sick and the
childless, all of them hoping for the miracles to continue.
Quelle: Share International, Januar/Februar
des Herausgebers Anmerkung
des Herausgebers:
Creme's Master comments: This very ancient (3,000 year-old) site was famous
throughout Europe as a healing centre and one where the ancient fertility
rites were practised with great success. The three-headed Goddess dates
to that time and still retains its miraculous powers. In the 7th century
AD the Master Who was the Madonna took a special interest in the site
and maintained the miraculous healing properties of the water.)
aus: Share International Januar/Februar 1997
Laut Benjamin Creme, Chefredakteur der Zeitschrift Share
International, sind alle diese Wunder Zeichen für die unmittelbar
bevorstehende Rückkehr von Maitreya, dem Weltlehrer, und seiner Gruppe,
den Meistern der Weisheit. Diese sind die Hüter des göttlichen
Plans für diesen Planeten und kehren jetzt zurück, um uns den
Weg aus unseren gegenwärtigen Problemen zu zeigen und neue Lehren
mitzuteilen, welche die Menschheit zu ihrem nächsten Entwicklungsschritt
leiten wird. Bald wird man Maitreya weltweit in
Fernsehinterviews sehen und seinen Aufruf für Teilen und Gerechtigkeit
als dem einzigen Weg zum Frieden hören.
Benjamin Creme schreibt: "Seit vielen Jahren haben Maitreya und seine
Gruppe der Meister die Welt mit Wundern überflutet. Alle religiösen
Gruppen schauen nach Zeichen. Durch die Zeichen wissen sie, dass der Lehrer
in der Welt ist oder in die Welt kommt. Man muss aufmerksam sein und dann
kann man sehen, dass die Zeichen überall sind. In jedem Land auf
der Welt, in jeder Religion gibt es Zeichen unterschiedlichster Art."
Durch seinen telepathischen Kontakt mit einem Meister der Weisheit erhält
Benjamin Creme laufend aktuelle Informationen über das Erscheinen
von Maitreya und kann die Lehren der Zeitlosen Weisheit erläutern.
Durch diesen Kontakt bestätigt Benjamin Cremes Meister regelmäßig,
ob es sich bei einem Phänomen um ein Wunder handelt, das von einem
der Meister manifestiert wurde. Die meisten Wunder werden von Maitreya,
dem Meister Jesus oder dem Meister, Der die Madonna war, manifestiert.
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